Isotope Tracers in Metabolic Research: Principles and Practice of Kinetic Analysis.
08- 12 | Nov 2021
The Course
A Week of Content and Contacts
08-12 Nov 2021
This course provides basic introductory and comprehensive information on performing metabolic studies using tracers labeled with radioactive or stable isotopes in humans, animals and cells. The course is designed for beginners as well as for those with experience who wish to expand their capabilities to more sophisticated problems. The faculty has expertise in a wide variety of applications and methodologies.
Techniques are taught for the investigation of whole body metabolism, for metabolite balance across organs, intracellular flux rates and pathway regulation in humans, animals and cells. Basic aspects of modeling will be considered, as well as specific applications to the study of carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism and energy balance. Theoretical and practical matters related to sample analysis by mass spectrometry and NMR are discussed, including examples of calculations involved in determining isotopic enrichment and basic kinetic parameters. Attendees will have opportunities to discuss their research projects in one-on-one mentoring sessions with faculty.
The course will be hosted in a virtual platform called Course participants will enter this space, which includes spaces for “live” video conferencing and a walkable 2D world. Walk close to a person to speak with them, browse exhibits in a virtual poster session, mingle with the crowd, or group up with friends for a private chat.
In this space participants can schedule a meeting with the course faculty or browse the independent learning assessment webinar modules that amplify content presented during the “live” video conference.
One-on-one sessions with course faculty: One of the highlights of the course is one-on-one mentoring sessions with the course faculty. These 30-min sessions can be scheduled outside of the “live” video conferencing program between Monday and Friday.
Independent Learning Booth: To minimize the screen time in this virtual space we created short webinars with assessment modules (8-10 min in duration) that will amplify and/or give practical solutions to that which was taught in the lecture material. These can be accessed at any time during the week. We have made suggestions each day for the modules you should look at each day.
All “live” video sessions are recorded. They can be viewed again any time during the course.
To accommodate both east and west coast participants the “live” lecture portion of the course will be held between 11:00 EST-3:00 EST (8:00 PST-12:00PST) on Monday Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The only exception will be an additional session on Tuesday (5:00-6:30 EST). Attendees can choose one of two sessions on Practical aspects of doing metabolic studies in humans (Session 1) or animals (Session 2). Only one lecture will be held on Wednesday (11:00-12:00 EST) “Introduction to the NIH grants process”.
“I am sending my trainees working on isotope tracer research to this workshop as I found it myself very valuable.”
“It was a very inspiring course and I have one PhD student and a post doc, who want to participate in this year's course. Including myself!”
“I consider the course essential for those that are going to work in this field. I wish I had been able to take the course when I was a student; it would probably saved me a lot of time and trial and error.”
“An Excellent course. As a PhD student, it expanded and clarified my knowledge of stable isotopes application in metabolic research. It also helped to increased my confidence during my PhD defense and has contributed to the level of confidence in my current role as a PI.”
“This course is invaluable. It is one of a kind for those of us who use isotope tracer methodology inour labs. I had a general working knowledge of tracers, then was able to solidify some concepts during the course, and now I am considering attending again as a refresher and to hear about thelatest techniques in the area. I am also planning to send one of my post-docs to the meeting in 2018. I was able to meet with Robert Wolfe one-on-one who went over my calculations to verify their validity. I cannot say enough about how good this course is!!!”